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FitFinder in Rajska library is Spotted!

15 Feb

FitFinder in Rajska library is Spotted!

library lounge

«For all those who spy on other intervals between pretending to learn. Let us know and we will publish your ads anonymously!». This is the new service that Wojewódzka Biblioteka Publiczna w Krakowie offers us.

The concept is simple. If you «find a fitty» in the library you can anonymously post up a short description of them on the new Facebook site I share with you. You have the option to describe yourself, or provide a telephone number. Others in the library, including the targeted fitty, are able to comment on the post.

Who knows who could you find or who could find you?

Some comments I’ve found out about this new trend explain about the reactions among people involved:

«The second a description goes up, you have a look round the library to see who they’re talking about. Then everyone bundles in with their own opinions. It’s very funny, although I haven’t met anyone who’s got a date out of it yet.»

The original’s idea came from Rich Martell. He created FitFinder, made the site live one Friday. He says he has been surprised by the rapid response, claiming that on Saturday the UCL site had 2000 unique users, which had rise to 8,500 on Sunday and 18,000 on Monday.

Martell explains: «We’re selling the adverts to local business and restaurants near the university – it’s perfect for them to advertise to students because they know they’re in the area.»

Someone asked him if he can see this becoming a full-time profession? He answered he doesn’t but, again, who knows. The power of social media is just unpredictable.